Thursday 20 June 2013

Day 53 (73) - All Hands On Deck!

Today (Thursday) was going to be amongst the most challenging of the build so far; the team had to get the last remaining steel beam, weighing approximately 250 kgs, from the ground to the ceiling height of the 1st floor.

Without a crane.

It was going to take a bit of lateral thinking and a lot of manpower to get the beam from it's temporary resting place inside the garage to it's permanent abode up on the roof. The beam itself will replace the existing supporting wall upon which the roof sits as this wall will be demolished. Rather than type up what happened, it's easier to follow with the photographs which were taken during the morning.

L-R: Steve, Darran & Ryan

L-R: Steve, Darran, Clive & Ryan

L-R: Steve, Darran, Clive & Ryan

L-R: Darran, Clive & Ryan

L-R: Darran & Steve

L-R: Richie, Darran, James & Clive 
L-R: Steve,Richie, Darran, James & Clive 

L-R: Clive & Ryan 

Beam in position

Its new home for the next 50 years or so...
I'm told that tomorrow the roofers will definitely be on site to weather the side and rear roofs (felt & batten). Let's hope it doesn't rain in between!

Hasta maƱana!

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