Thursday 6 June 2013

Day 44 (59) - The Only Way Is Up!

Yesterday was a great day on the build. The scaffolders arrived bright and early to raise the scaffolding up to roof height so that the roofers could do their thing.
The one, common thread that all these tradesmen have in common is just how deft they are at their trades. They make everything look SO easy and uncomplicated. Obviously, their skills have been honed over many years of doing the same job day in and day out, refining and improving with each year gone by until it becomes second nature.
Our two roofers, for example, walk around the top of the scaffolding lugging great big lumps of timber as if though they were down on the ground. I'd have trouble doing that ON the ground!! To put it into persepctive, the longest pieces of timber we have on site measure 7.2 metres in length by approximately 20cm in width and 5.5cm thick. Each one weighs around 40kgs. Or, looking at it another way, a couple's checked baggage allowance. With one roofer on the ground and the other atop the scaffolding (2 storeys high), they are passing these up by hand. No winches. No ropes. No assistance whatsoever. Amazing.

Looking more like a roof now

With all this activity taking place, it gave the bricklayers a day off as they would only get in each other's way.

As the roof floor joists had already been laid the day previously, the lads got on with cutting and affixing the ridge beam, rafters, purlins and trusses.

Roof architecture

Once the framework was completed, they then set about affixing the soffit and fascia:

Soffit and fascia - the new guttering will be affixed to this
Once the guys had left, it gave me the opportunity to take in the view accross the Green from a brand new perspective. I'm really lucky to live in such a lovely place, don't you agree?

Today...more bricks to continue building up the side extension so we can get the roof on that next week!

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