Thursday 18 April 2013

Day 9 (11) - The Digging is Never Done

Just when you thought there was no more digging to be done, especially as the mini-excavator and dumper were collected by the hire company yesterday. Callum and Steve were back on site this morning to dig out the last remaining trench for the soil pipe coming in from the downstairs WC and Utility Room to connect to the inspection chamber. Needles to say, digging it out the old fashioned way i.e. by hand with a pick and shovel, takes a little longer but at least it's eco-friendly. Although there's still some energy consumption as the boys run on tea and coffee...and that involves a kettle boiling some water.
Anyway, it's minimal.
The hole for the inspection chamber also had to be dug out and this would be located right in the middle of the existing communal sewer pipe which runs along the back of every house. The challenge here is cutting into the pipe whilst avoiding "black water" leakage into the hole. As mentioned in a previous post, this "black water" could be anything ranging from water from the washing machine or dishwasher to water coming from the toilet and all the nasties that come with it. You know what I'm talking about so I won't expand on it.

In the photo below you can seethe hole exposing the the existing sewer pipe and Callum cutting out a section of it to accommodate the inspection chamber

Callum cutting in to the "poo pipe"
 After the required section was removed, the inspection chamber was connected using rubber Clay Pipe to PVCU adaptors

Section removed and no "little brown fish" in sight...thankfully
The inspection chamber, once in place was then supported with a dry cement mix which aided the levelling and will also draw out any moisture in the ground and then set hard. If wet cement was used it would then remain wet and not set properly.

Inspection chamber, level and in place. Job done!
Tomorrow will see the concrete poured in to the garage floor and all the remaining trenches and soakaway back filled and levelled out again. Roll on Friday morning!

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