Sunday 7 April 2013

D-Day minus 1

So, the easterly wind that has been extending the winter has finally blown away and the sun has once again been shining brightly in the Spring sky. A great opportunity to finish off the final bit of clearing up before the professionals arrive on site tomorrow morning to start the job properly. It'll be strange returning home after work to find our garage gone. A structure that has been standing for the best part of 60 years but alas, not practical as space to keep a 21st century automobile in. The new garage will have the function of workshop and storage room once complete and will be slightly smaller due to the current building regulations insulation requirements, but also due to the fact that it will house our new combination boiler and megaflow as well as a WC and utility room.
Looking at the state it's in now, it's quite difficult to imagine what the finished product will look like:

Original garage minus roof. Note the original thickness of the wall, only one course thick.
 The challenge we had to overcome was making sure the garden was escape proof for our dog Eddie and this proved easier than originally thought thanks to a leftover piece of chipboard which coincidentally spans the opening left at the back of the house once the garage has been removed.

The last remaining bits and pieces from the garage have been boxed away
and thankfully all our animals are accounted for:

No animals were harmed in the taking of this photo
 So, early start tomorrow so let's hope it doesn't rain!

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