Tuesday 9 April 2013

D-Day! Day 1

After what seems like an eternity, our build (or rather our demolition) has started in earnest.
Darran, Callum and Steve arrived yesterday (Monday)morning just after 7.30am to begin clearing the site ready for the excavation of new foundations for the replacement garage and side extension. After getting the tea and coffee orders sorted out (whatever happened to the good old 'builders brew' of tea with milk and 2 sugars?), the lads got stuck into razing our existing garage down to the floor.
There were also a few electrical issues which needed seeing to as well as weatherproofing our consumer unit and electric and gas meters. After a hard day's graft, this is the finished result after day 1:
Only the garage door frane left in place

Current window will be replaced by door into WC & Utility room

The first skipload of rubble aka the garage

Tomorrow will see the excavation of the garage floor and digging out the trench for the drainage. Let's hope the rain stays away!

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