Wednesday 17 April 2013

Day 7 (9) - Foundations and other stuff

It was a busy day at the office yesterday (Day 7 - Tuesday) with no time to take any photos or write a detailed blog.
In summary though, Callum and Steve laid the new supply pipe from the water main which will now run diagonally accross the front garden to the corner of the new garage to run alongside the existing gas and eletricity supplies.

Front garden showing new supply pipe. The existing stop-valve is located under the square paving slab in the foreground

New water supply pipe exiting corner of house alongside other utilities
They then removed what was left of the old garage floor, levelled it out and then back-filled with rubble. Once the three courses of engineering bricks are laid, hardcore will be filled in, followed by sand and then a waterproof membrane. Steel mesh will then be placed within this space and tied in to the existing house and then concrete poured in on top to create the new slab and new foundations for the side extension.

I hope to take a few photos later on today to show the progress of the brickwork.

"Character is like the foundations of a house - it's below the surface", Anon

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