Thursday 23 May 2013

Day 34 (46) - The Only Way Is Up!

Apologies for not blogging yesterday but I was a little sidetracked.
Anyhoo...just a short update today.

Yesterday we had the pleasure of both Clive and Darran laying the floor joists to both the side and rear 1st floor. These are laid at 400mm intervals and will support the floor.

Darran starts positioning the joists on the rear extension

The finished result.
The soil stack on the left hand side will be removed and re-positioned on the side extension.
By the end of the day, Clive and Darran had completed laying all the floor joists for the side and rear extensions, and a bloody good job they did too.

Side extension looking out towards the Green

Today (Thursday 23rd May), was a short day due to persistent downpours throughout the day. However, the brickies managed to put up a fair few aircrete blocks to the rear 1st floor (see below). Hopefully tomorrow we'll have better weather and we may even see some bricks being laid.
Until tomorrow!
Rear blockwork going up on the 1st floor rear extension

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