Building Options

Self-Build vs Contractor

There has been a recent trend in homeowners, and property developers, rolling their sleeves up and really getting involved in the build of their extension/home. Whether it's project managing or physically laying bricks, doing the plumbing or updating the electrics, self-building could save thousands of pounds off the cost of your build.

Whilst in theory it's a surefire way of saving yourself money, the reality is that it is a full-time job and not for the faint-hearted nor inexperienced in anything DIY. It also depends greatly on the size and scale of your project as what could take 4-6 months by employing a contractor, could take anything up to a year by doing it yourself. You can get more information on self-build here

If like us you have busy, full-time day jobs, and have saved long and hard in order to finance your build (or re-mortgaged/obtained a personal loan/won a small fortune on the lottery), then contracting a professional builder is the alternate way to move forward.

Your chosen contractor will be responsible for project managing the build, contracting all the required trades, providing a safe and secure environment for you and all site workers and, if you have chosen right, delivering your build on time and on budget.

We'll look at how to source a contractor in the next section

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